Web To Print Solution
The print market has changed gears and is operating in an overdrive. The manifold customer demands require a print business to tighten the belts and get real to render value.
Mussel Technology’s web to print solution, OnPrintShop, has offered print service providers the much needed respite by automating processes and mending the cracks to boost efficiency. The streamlined processes and digital delivery have made life easy for print houses. OnPrintShop is a wholesome business solution that enhances efficiency and lowers costs by eliminating onerous print order cycle.
A never-seen-before variety of pre-populated templates and business catalogues can make you an online multispecialty printing shop and grant your business a digital presence and mien. The user friendly custom designer studio rendering unrivaled customization capacity and the advanced e-commerce suite get your clients highly engaged and guarantee long-term loyalty.
You can use OnPrintShop’s multilingual web store to cater to a wider audience base. Going global and making the world your playing field by deploying local infrastructure was never this easy before!
You don’t need to be a big print house with a substantial wallet size to get an online print shop set up. OnPrintShop offers you a hosted (SaaS) as well as a dedicated version.